Governo do Rio Grande do Sul cria chave PIX de conta oficial para receber doações
O governo gaúcho criou a conta SOS Rio Grande do Sul para receber doações em dinheiro, na modalidade PIX, para ajudar as vítimas das enchentes que atingiram o estado nesta
FPM: repasse adicional de julho será creditado na segunda-feira em contas das prefeituras
As prefeituras irão receber na próxima segunda-feira, 10 de julho, a partir das 13h, o repasse adicional de 1% do Fundo de Participação dos Municípios (FPM) referente a este mês.
Campina fecha semestre com menor número de crimes contra a vida desde 2010
A Segurança Pública da Paraíba apresentou nesta segunda-feira (3) os resultados da Operação São João em todo o mês de junho. Os dados divulgados durante coletiva de imprensa com a
Images of the Week: New 2023 Updates
If you’re serious about turning your blog into a business, then you need to start thinking about ways to grow your audience. Depending on your niche, there are a number
5 Strategies for Impressing Anyone
If you’re serious about turning your blog into a business, then you need to start thinking about ways to grow your audience. Depending on your niche, there are a number
Twenty Five Great Sources of Stunning Things
If you’re serious about turning your blog into a business, then you need to start thinking about ways to grow your audience. Depending on your niche, there are a number
Experience of Cutting-edge Design
If you’re serious about turning your blog into a business, then you need to start thinking about ways to grow your audience. Depending on your niche, there are a number
Why It Might Work For You
If you’re serious about turning your blog into a business, then you need to start thinking about ways to grow your audience. Depending on your niche, there are a number
What’s New in Your Favourite Stores
If you’re serious about turning your blog into a business, then you need to start thinking about ways to grow your audience. Depending on your niche, there are a number